How To Care For A Broken Tooth

Breaking a tooth can be a very alarming experience. When you are in that initial stage of panic, it can be hard to know what exactly it is you should do. There are several folk remedies out there that are not backed by actual science, but when faced with an emergency situation, those solutions may be all that you remember. It is important, however, to know the dentist-recommended protocol for dealing with a chipped or broken tooth.

Rinse Your Mouth

It is recommended to rinse your mouth out with warm water immediately after breaking a tooth. This helps to clean the area and prevent infections that may occur due to bacteria in the mouth. 

Apply Pressure

Putting pressure on the area of the broken tooth can help to minimize bleeding. Additionally, if you can find a cold compress to put on the tooth (such as an ice cube wrapped in a paper towel), this will help to reduce swelling.

Find the Tooth

It is important to find the broken-off tooth if you can. If possible, place the tooth back in the socket. If the tooth has picked up debris from the ground, gently rinse it with warm water before placing back in the socket. Never attempt to scrub the tooth or remove bits of tissue that may be stuck to the tooth. If the tooth cannot be placed back in the socket, place it in a container of water, saline solution, or milk until you can get to the dentist.

Seek Emergency Care

If you break a tooth, it is important to try to seek 24 hour urgent dental care Upper Darby PA as soon as possible, typically within 30 minutes. If there is a jagged edge of a tooth in your mouth, you can cover the area with dental wax. Avoid chewing around this area of your mouth.

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Don’t wait to seek medical care when you break a tooth. The longer you wait to get treatment, the more difficult treatment will be. 

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